FTVX Exclusive Girls

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Also Check Out (FTV Members Choice)

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Rachel is a total first timer, and exclusive to FTV!

FTV Girl Next Door Video

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Young Hottie

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Hardcore Teen

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Horny Teenager

Bonus Materials & Goodies Section:
The good old FTVX shoots, though the girls may have been cute and FTV-only!

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Athletic Girl

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Sensual Encounter

Sex After Work

The problem with girls who return, is that they’ve gotten used to being spoiled by the industry. So return shoots are rare on FTV, especially if a girl becomes a porn star, because they do dramatically change (harder to work with, diva issues, on their phone/snapchat all day, distracted, lazy, drug issues etc…)

10% of the FTV models did FTVx scenes!

Keep in mind: FTVX will be launch soon. Rob has a lot of FTVX videos with Nina (Nina was his girlfriend for quite a while) – Looking forward to her FTVx shoots! Hope with facials and cumshot swallows…

A lot of hot sex is definitely a must.

Love seeing FTV favorites who did no or very little other b/g porn. Watch FTV Girls videos.


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